Stage Schedule

Instructor and Certified NLP Practitioner.

Friday 5:30pm

Join a FUN and FREE beginner Latin Dance class with Caroline of Blumorpho Concept

Caroline, a Latin Dance instructor for 10 years and a certified NLP Practitioner with two Master's Degree in Educational and Human Sciences, is dedicated to promoting a respect of nature and international experiences.

Dance has always been a part of her daily life, thanks to her French, Italian and Caribbean roots. She has developed ​her own style based on Jazz, Latin and Yoga (spine flexibility), the Blumorpho Dance Style.

She is looking forward to dancing with you!

Learn more at

Marlene Carr - Diabetes and Lifestyle Coach 

Saturday 11am

Talk Title:
What if your diagnosis of Diabetes 2 is actually an invitation for you to take charge of your health?

My name is Marlene Carr, and I am a Diabetes and Lifestyle Coach and expert. My journey began with a deep curiosity about how the human body works. Rather than pursuing a traditional medical path focused on prescribing drugs and relying on lab tests, I sought holistic approaches to help people heal.  

After being diagnosed with Diabetes, I realized the limited support available for managing the condition. Despite following a common diet approach and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, my A1C levels worsened, leading to a health crisis that landed me in the ER. 

Determined to master my condition, I discovered the Mastering Diabetes program and embraced a plant-based, whole foods diet. This change allowed me to lower my A1C, improve my physical and emotional well-being, and effectively manage my blood glucose levels. Taking full responsibility for my health, I became dedicated to helping others navigate their diabetes journey.

What I Can Help You With:

 Finding personalized solutions that work best for you. 
Emotional Support: Providing the compassion and understanding needed to cope with diabetes. 
Lifestyle Adjustments: Helping you adapt your lifestyle to meet the needs of your condition. 
Diet and Nutrition: Offering expert advice on maintaining a healthy, balanced diet. 

What if your diagnosis of Diabetes 2 is actually an invitation for you to take charge of your health? Let’s work together to transform your illness into an opportunity for a healthier, happier life! 

Valerie Mrakuzic - Registered Holistic Nutritionist

Saturday 11:45am

Talk Title:
Discover Which Foods and Nutrients Will Heal Your Body: Understanding the Imbalances That Contribute to Your Health Concerns

The best path to good health is nutrition and Eating to Live Well is all about helping people achieve their best health. Registered Holistic Nutritionist Valerie Mrakuzic works with clients to address the root cause of health challenges caused by diet and nutritional imbalances.

Valerie provides Nutrition and Wellness plans using foods, nutrients and lifestyle management to get results. Through a 12-week program, Valerie will provide support and guidance to get you back on track to optimum health.

Some Symptoms of Nutritional Imbalance Include:
• Mental confusion and brain fog
• Menstrual problems
• Headache
• Auto-Immune conditions
• Inflammation
• Nausea
• Metabolic health conditions such as Hypertension, Diabetes and Obesity

A graduate of the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition, Valerie knows that nutritional deficiencies, pathogens, environmental and chemical sensitivities are often behind ill-health symptoms and experiences. Valerie utilizes biofeedback technology to assess nutritional imbalances and provides recommendations to regain health.

Renée Chan - Registered Dietitian, Chef

Saturday 12:30pm

Talk Title 1:
Explore the excitement of crafting gluten-free dumplings in a healthy and enjoyable way!

Sunday 12:30pm

Talk Title 2: Embark on a nutritious adventure crafting gluten-free green onion pancakes, prioritizing healthfulness over indulgence

Renée Y. Chan, a seasoned Registered Dietitian, Nutritionist, Entrepreneur, Culinary Instructor, and Avid Traveler, is dedicated to promoting wellness through food. With a mission to become a prominent speaker in the food & nutrition industry, Renée's extensive education includes studies at New York University and Camden University, alongside international experiences in Italy and Hong Kong. Fluent in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin, Renée possesses diverse skills, from PC proficiency to kitchen management.

Renée's career highlights encompass roles as Owner/CEO of The Skript Kitchen, Culinary Dietitian at The Disability Foundation British Columbia, and Founder of True Nosh Enterprise Ltd. Her work has earned accolades from publications like The Globe and Mail and The Vancouver Sun, with media appearances on CBC Radio and City TV amplifying her impact in promoting health and culinary excellence.

Dr. Ryan Lewis, Naturopathic Doctor, Co-Founder of Seek Optimal Wellbeing

Saturday 1:15pm

Talk Title:
What's keeping your body inflamed? Getting to the bottom of your health struggles

Are you constantly in pain? Are you having trouble losing weight? Do you experience brain fog and fatigue? Chances are your body is inflamed and so far what you have tried is not working. Join Dr. Lewis as he highlights what we at Seek Optimal Wellbeing believe to be the causes of your body's dis-ease, the key investigations we implore and the different treatment strategies used.

Dr. Ryan Lewis is a naturopathic doctor practicing at Seek Optimal Wellbeing in Chilliwack. He knew from a young age that one day he would be a doctor, and when he discovered naturopathic medicine it clicked. The phrase that stuck with him was having the mind of a doctor and the heart of a healer. At his core, Dr. Lewis is a kind hearted, compassionate and genuine individual. His knowledge and deep understanding of the human body gives him the ability to explain the possible contributions to your current state of health and distinguish the best path forward. He has a passion for helping people relieve pain and live their optimal life. Working with Dr. Lewis you will be heard and supported. Work with him by booking through

Kristen Schiener, Registered Holistic Nutritionist

Kristen is speaking twice at the event!

Saturday 2:00pm

Talk Title 1:
Science Beneath the Surface: Your Skin From Underneath

Hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain and insomnia are all common symptoms of menopause. But symptoms like crawling skin, heart palpitations, increased clumsiness, brain fog, and feelings of anxiousness? No, you’re not crazy — many peri-menopausal women also experience these.

This unfamiliar journey of menopause can feel frustrating and helpless as societal expectations have kept us from talking about it. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Tune in to learn about what’s happening to your hormones, why you might be feeling the way you are, and take home some nutrition tips and lifestyle strategies to help you navigate menopause with ease. 

Sunday 2:45pm

Talk Title 2: Menopause Misunderstood: Debunking Mysterious Menopausal Symptoms

As we age, those hard-earned smile lines, wrinkles, and signs of dry & sagging skin can become more apparent. While these changes are a natural part of aging, and topical skincare solutions can be handy for quick, surface level fixes, what’s more important are the deeper layers of our skin.

Join us as we take a peek underneath the skin’s surface to explore the science behind how it works, and how lifestyle factors and nutrition can influence skin health. Take home practical strategies on nourishing your skin from within, so you can look and feel your best. Beauty begins beneath the surface. 

Kristen Schiener is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist with two decades of experience helping folks achieve optimal health. Whether it's coaching clients 1:1, hosting corporate seminars or connecting at her favourite health food stores, Kristen is always happiest when she's talking about ways to feel better through food and natural health supplements.

This talk is sponsored by CanPrev Women, you can find more info at

Kara MacKay, Registered Massage Therapist

Saturday 2:45pm

Talk Title:
Finding Relief of Common Arm, Elbow and Wrist Pain Through Massage and Yoga

Do your hands sometimes tingle? Do your joints cause you pain? Common amongst women, especially through pregnancy, motherhood and for those who work desk jobs, arm pain and tingling is not something you have to live with. Join Kara as she speaks about how simple yoga exercises and massage can be easily worked into any busy schedule. Kara will cover the anatomy involved in the different arm overuse injuries and guide attendees through a chair yoga routine that gives you practical exercises to help end that pain.

Kara is a registered massage therapist working at Seek Optimal Wellbeing in Chilliwack and works in Abbotsford as well. She is committed to educating others about the human body and how to maintain its health for the future. Last fall, she completed a 200-hr yoga teacher training with Alexandria Waycott at the Satya Yoga Training Academy. This training enhanced her yoga practice and widened the scope of remedial exercises she uses with her clients.

While massage therapy offers numerous benefits on its own, the addition of regular exercise and conditioning creates longer-lasting effects on pain relief, decreased muscle tension, injury recovery and overall wellness. Kara aims to offer collaborative support through both her clinical practice and her community yoga classes. Work with her by booking through

Kimberley Thompson - Helping families & communities grow fresh, chemical-free produce indoors year-round.

Saturday, October 26 - 3:30pm

Talk Title:
Helping families & communities grow fresh, chemical-free produce indoors year-round 

Kim’s mission is cultivating change and bringing healthy food to communities by allowing people of all ages to grow their own fresh, nutritious food, year-round with aeroponics—NASA’s technology. This method uses only water and nutrients, eliminating the need for soil and resulting in countless benefits—for you and the planet! 

She invites you to join her and inspire people from all walks of life to come together, grow together, and create lasting change. ( Schools - Food banks- Youth Centres- Recovery Homes- Senior centres)

Kristen McDow, Registered Holistic Nutritionist

Sunday, October 27 - 11:00am

Talk Title:
Mindful Eating for ADHD

Nutrition plays a crucial role in managing ADHD because certain foods and dietary patterns can influence brain function and behavior. Kristen will be discussing how a balanced diet can significantly impact ADHD symptoms, enhance cognitive function, and improve overall well-being. Join her as she delves into practical nutrition tips, and actionable strategies to support better focus and emotional stability through simple meal and nutrition hacks. Come and learn how the right foods can make a difference!

Kristen is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist practicing at Seek Optimal Wellbeing in Chilliwack. She is dedicated to understanding the intricate relationship between food, the mind and overall wellbeing, especially when it comes to ADHD.

With a strong focus on cognitive health, she is passionate about supporting individuals with ADHD, recognizing the unique challenges they face in establishing and maintaining healthy eating habits. Kristen practice in an evidence-informed, whole-body approach. She strives to guide her students and clients towards a harmonious relationship with food, enhancing concentration, mood and overall quality of life. Work with her by booking through

Dr. Elena Jutai, Naturopathic Doctor

Sunday, October 27 - 11:45am

Talk Title:
Women's Skin Health Inside-Out; Regenerative Aesthetics with Dr. Jutai

When a woman decides to take care of her appearance, it is the moment she decides to take care of herself. This is the inflection point of accessing all aspects of health & well-being: personal development, spirituality, career, financial, romance, significant other, community, friends, family, physical environment, and fun!

Dr. Elena Jutia is a naturopathic doctor practicing out of White Rock and offering regenerative aesthetics at Seek Optimal Wellbeing in Chilliwack. She helps high performance women achieve fabulous skin health and energy so they can enjoy their social and work life. Dr. Jutai, pronounced like "you-tie" your shoes. She has a special focus in women's functional medicine and cosmetic dermatology. Skin is an outward reflection of our inner state of health. Work with her by booking with her at

Dr. Vanessa Forstbauer, Naturopathic Doctor, Co-Founder of Seek Optimal Wellbeing

Sunday, October 27 - 1:15pm

Talk Title:
Fertility, Pregnancy and Postpartum in a Post Pandemic World

Viruses have always been around, and they have always affected our health and our bodies in some way. But what happens when there is a virus touted to be so bad that it causes a worldwide state of emergency and pandemic? What happens to our bodies after exposure to this virus and to the fast tracked immunizations meant to reduce the effects of the virus? Health has changed post pandemic. For some people in ways that were life changing. For women, especially those within the reproductive years, it may have affected their cycle, their fertility and their transition into perimenopause/menopause. For those that were and are going through pregnancy and into postpartum it changed the social dynamics and support systems. Join Dr. Vanessa Forstbauer as she explores what these changes mean and how we have seen this impact in practice and in life. 

Dr. Vanessa Forstbauer is a naturopathic doctor practicing at Seek Optimal Wellbeing in Chilliwack. She has a passion for supporting women, especially through pregnancy and postpartum for whom she offers doula services, membership programs and more. She grew up in Chilliwack on her family's organic, biodynamic farm that is still operational and providing quality food for the community today. If you work with Dr. Forstbauer she takes the time to explore your health and make connections in a way that is easy to understand and sets a treatment plan that helps you feel optimistic moving forward. Work with her by booking through

Natalie Forstbauer, Neurofeedback Trainer, Health Coach, Founder of Heart and Soil Living

Sunday, October 27 - 2:00pm

Talk Title:
Rewire and Optimize Your Brain: Harnessing the Power of Nature and Neurofeedback for anxiety, brain fog, depression, and brain trauma. End the stigma!

In this transformative talk, discover how you can rewire and optimize your brain by harnessing the healing power of nature and the science of neurofeedback. Learn how connecting with the soil and natural rhythms can support mental clarity and reduce stress, and how neurofeedback can further train your brain to perform at its best. This session offers a practical and holistic approach to wellness that blends cutting-edge brain science with the ancient wisdom of the earth, giving you actionable tips to improve your wellbeing.

Natalie Forstbauer is a TEDx speaker, holistic wellness coach, neurofeedback trainer, and regenerative health consultant. With over three decades of experience in complementary health, as well as organic and biodynamic farming, she is passionate about the profound connection between nature and brain health. As a brain injury survivor and advocate, Natalie blends the science of neurofeedback with the healing power of nature's innate wisdom to help people transform their health so that they can not just live longer healthier lives, but thrive while doing so. She is committed to empowering others to optimize their well-being through integrative, nature-based approaches.